15 May 2024

"Nature's first green is gold..."

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
         ---- Robert Frost, "Nothing Gold Can Stay"
The photo is of an oak tree in my back yard. In a few weeks the golden catkins will fall, leaving light green leaves, which will darken over the summer and turn russet in the autumn.

Reposted from 2018 to add a closeup photo of the 2024 new foliage and catkins:

Image from ten days ago; the leaves are already green and catkins falling.


  1. Here in Virginia, we joke that there are 5 seasons: Summer, Autumn, Winter, POLLEN, and spring. Right now, our cars are all tennis-ball green!

    1. As a fellow Virginian, I can definitely confirm this. I drive an olive green car. During pollen season it's the color of a tennis ball, even as little as 30 minutes after being washed. And with 4 big, 50 year old oaks in one corner of my property, I don't dare open the bedroom windows to enjoy the spring air. I cleaned a solid 1inch of pollen out of the windows (between the screen and glass) yesterday.

  2. How much pollen do those catkins contain?
    Watch, and find out!

  3. Spring leafing out time is the pastel version of fall foliage.


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