You can learn a lot by reading Technorati's State of the Blogosphere 2008. The articles will be running over the course of the coming week. Today's article discusses the number of blogs and who the bloggers are.
Data from March of this year estimate that 184,000,000 people have started blogs; many of those of course become inactive. Technorati monitors blogs and assigns them an "authority" ranking depending on how many other blogs link to that one. The table above shows the Authority rankings for the 5 million blogs tracked in June of this year.
TYWKIWDBI had an authority rank of 2 in April of this year. That rose to 7 in June, 13 in August, and is currently 22. The top blogs have rankings in the thousands. Here is a list of the top 100 blogs according to authority rankings, led by HuffPo. It's an excellent list to browse for sites you may want to put on your bookmark list.
Thanks, Stan!