ScienceDaily is reporting that when cinnamon is incorporated into the packaging of bread, it inhibits the growth of bread mold:
The scientists prepared active packaging composed of paraffin wax paper with different concentrations of cinnamon essential oil, which has high antimicrobial activity. They then inoculated fresh white bread with a common mold species and stored the bread in either plain wax paper or cinnamon-based wax paper for several days. After just three days, the packaging containing just 6 percent cinnamon oil inhibited 96 percent of mold growth, whereas the plain wax paper did not prevent mold growth, the researchers say. The cinnamon-based wrapper continued to inhibit mold for up to 10 days.The spice trade was perhaps the single most significant stimulus for the exploration of the world in the Middle Ages. I had always understood that spices "covered up" the smell or taste of spoiled food, especially meat. It's interesting to see contemporary studies which indicate that they may have played a more fundamental role in food preservation.
Way too short! What else we supposed to learn?