12 July 2019

What's wrong with people these days?

This isn't the ice-cream-licking.  This is licking a tongue depressor.

The girl is ten years old - not a toddler or infant.  When the mother posted the video online, she captioned it "Don't tell me how to run my life."  And in the interview she says "I really didn't think anything of it."

For fox ache.


  1. I wrote that sentence badly. It was the mother than created and posted the video online, not the child. I've revised the sentence to make that clear.

  2. This is my city. Oh, joy. Knowing Jacksonvillians as I do, having lived my entire 39 years here, I am not surprised by the callous disregard for others' health and safety, or by the sheer idiocy in filming and posting it.

  3. Ok ok ok, when are we going to talk about the built Erik Avanier?
