12 July 2019

" ...months-long back-to-school shopping season..."

I've seen that phrase several times this past week, but I can't wrap my mind around the concept of back-to-school shopping lasting for months.  When I was young, preparation for school consisted of one trip to Dayton's for clothes and one stop somewhere else for school supplies.  Over and done with.

I suppose the phrase exists because nationwide the shopping is spread over months, not that it lasts for months for each shopper, but I find vaguely annoying the duration and extent to which marketers relentlessly push their products. 

I'm becoming a grouchy old man.  Get off my lawn.


  1. It's not you, it's them. Things are getting almost hilariously out of hand. Everything is becoming a "season", sometimes months in advance of the event. So many times, I've gone in search of winter boots only to find stores selling bikinis instead.

  2. .....and stop SMOKING on the beach! I live across the street from an Atlantic beach and if I EVER catch the guy who smokes Pall Mall Longs (about half way then drops the butt on the sand or street next to sand as he walks - about 1 cigarette every few minutes) I am just going to punch him with no explanation!

  3. Back-to-school shopping is insanely expensive. The class supply lists are ridiculously specific and sometimes hard to find. It's not just paper, pencils, and a box of Kleenex anymore. New clothes, new shoes (plus another pair of gym shoes to leave at the school) and a plethora of supplies need to be spread out over the entire summer for me personally as we live paycheck to paycheck. If it were all purchased in one week our other financial obligations would not be met. This is from a house with just two kids.
