14 January 2009

The world's narrowest and shortest streets

Parliament Street, in Exeter, narrows to 25" and dates from the 1300s. Ebenezer Place, in Scotland, runs along the short side of the hotel shown, for a total length of 2 meters.

Credit here, where there are also pix of streets that are the longest, crookedest, oldest, widest, steepest...

Update: see the note by Megan in the Comments section re a possibly narrower street in Mexico, tho it may raise the question of the distinction (if there is one?) between an "alley" and a "street."

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I believe that Guanajuato, Mexico has a narrower street. It's called "El Callejón del Beso" (The Alley of the Kiss), and it's only 19 inches at its narrowest point. It's pretty famous within that region of Mexico, and comes complete with its own cheesy/charming legend.

    The legend can be found here:

    and here's a photo I found on Google Images:
