17 September 2024

"Drunk brick"

"Drunk Brick or the Hollywood Bond do not follow the traditional rules of masonry. This type of bond is an artistic rendering of brick courses designed to make the construction appear as very rustic and thrown together, as they do not follow any specific pattern. One could say that it has the look of a fairytale cottage."
I found lots of pix and anecdotal reports (especially in real estate listings), but haven't found a good comprehensive review of the subject, or why the "Hollywood Bond" name applies.


  1. "Drunk brick" -- I think that I have a new way to describe my writing style. I prefer this moniker to "sloppy."

  2. my first thought on the name ‘hollywood bond’ was that it derives from the building of backdrops for film, including the attempt to visually evoke rusticness instead of exactly replicating the patterns most likely to be found in the real countryside.

    but as hunches and reality go, i’d not be surprised if the actual explanation is something entirely different.

