08 October 2023

Hotter summers in the northern hemisphere

Res ipsa loquitur.  If you need textual explanation, it's at The New York Times.

1 comment:

  1. "If you need textual explanation, it's at The New York Times."... well maybe.

    There's no explanation of why these two date ranges (1951-1980, 2013-2023) were chosen. There's no explanation of why data from the Southern Hemisphere were excluded. There's no explanation of what the labels "Extremely cold" etc. mean in terms of measured temperatures.

    The NYT article appears to use "heat" and "temperature" interchangeably, something I was warned against in my undergraduate thermodynamics classes 50 years ago.

    I recommend looking at Makiko Sato & James Hansen's web pages on the columbia dot edu site for a more nuanced explanation of the trends.
