17 August 2023

Vocal fry ("creaky voice") explained

An interesting and well-done video.  I haven't even finished watching it, but I'm going to put it up on the blog and finish watching after getting chores done.

Finished listening.  This guy is excellent at incorporating both science and sociology into the discussion.  There is one extended advertisement from 3:30-6:20.  If you want the high point, try the segment from 6:45-7:15, but if you stop there you will miss out on lots of funny parts, including James Bond, George Sanders and even REDRUM.

Half an hour well-spent IMHO.


  1. @ 17:19 he fries hard on the "word fry"

  2. I just tried speaking like that - can't do it!

  3. Well presented. I don't have supporting evidence regarding this personal observation, but it seems to me that within my lifetime and culture, in general, male voices are gradually shifting upwards in pitch and female voices are gradually shifting downwards. If there is any truth to this notion, then perhaps societal pressures are driving this trend, and vocal fry could be a biological consequence of that trend.

  4. It wasn't that long ago when everybody who talked like this was merely a smoker.
