14 August 2023

Denez Prigent & Lisa Gerrard - Gortoz A Ran

I originally blogged this song in 2009 and 2010 when it was used as the background audio for a tsunami video and for a Black Hawk Down video.  Reblogging now because the original links have undergone linkrot.  This version has the advantage of including the lyrics (in Breton and English) at the YouTube link.

Re-reposted from 2019 because the song continues to fascinate me.  I have challenged several friends to identify the language while listening to the song; nobody has been successful.  I doubt that it would help even if I had let them view the written lyrics:
Gortozet 'm eus, gortozet pell
E skeud teñval tourioù gell
E skeud teñval tourioù gell

E skeud teñval an tourioù glav

C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav

C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav

Un deiz a vo 'teuio en-dro
Dreist ar maezioù, dreist ar morioù

'Teuio en-dro an avel c'hlas
Da analañ va c'halon c'hloaz't

Kaset e vin diouzh e alan
Pell gant ar red, hervez 'deus c'hoant

Hervez 'deus c'hoant pell eus ar bed
Etre ar mor hag ar stered  
More about the Breton language.


  1. I really like both singers too. I don't know if your cd included the translation, but it's quite beautiful too (the song is in breton).
    A long time ago, I discovered Denez Prigent with this song. You might also enjoy it. Then I went to a concert, around 1998 I think, and it was simply magic. He has a very powerful voice.

  2. My CD is "Irvi," the insert of which has all the lyrics... in Breton. I suppose I could find the English with a little searching, but I'm delighted with it the way it is.

    "Te Eliz Iza" is not on mine. Tx for the link.

  3. i've basically been reading your blog all night...it's fantastic...i wanted to share this with you in case you weren't aware: lisa gerrard is the most talented woman ever...before she went solo and did soundtracks she was in a band called dead can dance...this is a picture from a compilation CD they put out in 1991


    i saw this picture of the butterfly wing somewhere on here already, so i thought you might appreciate that too...


  4. Oh my. Lovely and haunting. Thanks!

  5. Lisa Gerrard is most likely singing in her signature idioglossia language. She rarely sings in any known languages.

  6. I forgot to add this:
    "I sing in the language of the Heart. It's an invented language that I've had for a very long time. I believe I started singing in it when I was about 12. Roughly that time. And I believed that I was speaking to God when I sang in that language."
    A fine Example in the Dead Can Dance song "The Host Of Seraphim"

    1. Very interesting; didn't know that. I found this video of a live performance:


  7. Nolwenn Leroy also sings in Breton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTuBnZrLbq0

  8. Beautiful song, it's too bad that so much of the imagery in the video is not Brittany. I live here and have the opportunity to hear spoken Breton amongst my friends and relatives.
