15 July 2023

En suite carpeted bathroom

Found at the Awful Taste But Great Execution subreddit.
"For everything that displays quality craftsmanship in the least elegant way possible. All things gaudy, tacky, overdone, and otherwise tasteless. Work done so well, you won't know whether to love it or hate it."

Commentary at the link. 


  1. Wet feet on carpet makes me nuts.

  2. Uuuuuuhhhmm, just no. I've lived in a house with that, and boys, just think that over for a bit. And in the kitchen is just as bad, thank you. My mom had decided to put some in the kitchen of my childhood home because the tile was disintegrating. Hubs and I and our two kids lived there for about six months between jobs. One night I was in a rush with dinner and picked up a pan of hot grease, which I promptly dropped. On. The. Carpet. Had to pull it all up the next day and trash it as that was not the the only problem with it. I still get the shudders from that!

  3. Bought a house once (which I never saw furnished) that was essentially 8 rooms laid out in a square ring. One of the corner rooms was wall to wall thick pink carpeting and hanging out in the corner, a shower, sink, and toilet. Very hard to imagine what that looked like when the house was alive.

  4. Would this sort of setting make vomiting more or less disagreeable? Honestly not sure.

  5. That mirror wall might currently be the most expensive item in the room now. It's grandiose!

  6. Nothing. There ain't nothing in room 237. But you ain't got no business going in there anyway. So stay out. You understand? Stay out!
