07 April 2023

Randy Rainbow is back...

There are about 4-5 more Randy Rainbow productions posted in the Video - humor section of this blog.


  1. Starting the weekend with a danceable tune!

  2. He's a talented guy, lyrics, costumes, recording, blending multiple videos into a polished piece. I do hope he has security because I can almost hear the MAGA
    safety valves popping.

  3. Love this guy/gurll. The lyrics are incredibly clever.

  4. Joe Biden squandered 20 years of blood and treasure in Afghanistan, caused 13 servicemembers and hundreds of Afghans to die from bombing and falling from our planes in the air, and followed up with a drone strike on 7 kids, and I don't hate him like you guys hate Trump.

    1. Ironhorse, in my case I think the word "hate" is not quite correct. Perhaps "detest" or "abhor" would be better. To quantify it using your analogy, Kennedy and Johnson caused the deaths of my personal friends and classmates; add in the crimes, misdemeanors, and misbehaviors of Nixon, Reagan, Bushx2, Clinton, Obama and take the total of all that, and Trump would still be ahead on the detestable score by a factor of a log power or two. Just my opinion.

    2. It's not rational. It's a reflex - like the gag reflex that arises from the brainstem in response to encountering putrid meat in a festering carcass.

  5. In my case, "despise" would be the correct word, in its initial meaning, which was to look down on with contempt. FWIW, I don't despise Trump nearly as much as I despise those who voted for him, whom I don't despise nearly as much as I do those who still support him.

  6. The pullout of Afghanistan was planned by the military long before Biden took office. There were supposed to continually monitor the situation and tweak the plan accordingly. The Military plans and executes the invasion and since they don't intentionally plan suicide missions should plan the withdrawal as they know more than anyone else in our government what the situation on the ground is.
    Biden... are you ready to leave? Military, Uh huh. Biden... OK, withdraw.
    Like Vietnam where field commanders told their bosses what they wanted to hear.

    1. If that withdrawal would have gone perfectly, no loss of life, an orderly evacuation of US citizens and Afghani citizens, etc, would Mr. Biden have praised the previous administration(s) and the military and taken little or no credit?

      Call me skeptical...
