29 February 2020

I wonder what my hidden name meaning is

This is what a blogger's emailbox looks like (and this is after I've deleted dozens of other spam comments just to feature this sequence for the screenshot).  I'll use this as an opportunity to inform readers that when I madly click on all the trashcan icons in the morning,  I occasionally accidentally delete a valid comment by mistake, so if you have written something useful and inoffensive but it doesn't appear the next day, the reason may be error rather than censorship.


  1. I've had a bunch from "unknown" with the same content. What I don't understand is why Google is so bad at marking these messages as spam itself. Why do we have to do it for them? It is pretty good at identifying spam email, but even after I mark comments from a particular ID as spam, Blogger still lets multiple comments from the same account through, sometimes for months.

    1. I quite agree, Vireya, and it's gotten to the point that I don't even flag the comments as spam; I just save one step and delete them.

    2. btw, your quilting blog brings back pleasant memories of when I lived in Kentucky and used to see quilts displayed at folk art festivals.

  2. I get spam once in a while, but nothing like that much of the same one. I thought Google and Blogspot were on the ball about spam?

  3. Late to the party on this, but have you tried using the Akismet plugin? I used to have a food blog (before family and work started taking up too much time!) on which it was invaluable; now I run comms for a company with a big online community, and it's been a great solution there too. (Other plugins exist, I'm sure - this is just what's worked for me.)
