22 July 2019

American "exceptionalism" is not limited to one political party

And a new word for me:
Baizuo (/ˈbaɪˌtswɔː/; Chinese: 白左 báizuǒ, literally "white left") is a derogatory Chinese neologism and political epithet used to refer to Western liberal elites. In more than 400 answers submitted by Zhihu users during 2015 to May 2017, the term is defined as referring to those who are hypocritically obsessed with peace and equality in order to satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority motivated from an ignorant and arrogant Western-centric worldview who pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours.


  1. I take her meaning to be that generosity of spirit is an *essential* quality of Americans, not an *exclusive* one. Is it correct usage of "uniquely"? Of course not, but very few people use that word according to its original meaning. I can't remember the last time I heard "unique" used in everyday speech without the qualifier "very." Uniqueness is an absolute condition, it can't be qualified, but this just indicates that it now means something more like "special" to most people.

  2. You can find similar sentiment in middle America. Might want to do something about it prior to 2020...

  3. I agreed with Jeffo. And China's leadership is only against "liberals" because they like being able to run roughshod over the idiot-in-chief currently squatting in the Oval Office.
