08 April 2011

A note to TYWKIWDBI readers

I'm going to spend the next week doing garden and house chores, preparing my income tax paperwork, and perhaps boiling down some birch sap, so there won't be any new posts.  One productive way to use this hiatus is to afford visitors who have their own blogs an opportunity to promote their work here at TYWKIWDBI.

I did this once before, in April of 2009 (but inexplicably forgot to do so last year). The process is quite simple.  Write in the comment section of this post...
  • your blog's name,
  • its url, and
  • summarize its purpose and content in a few sentences. 
I will then take that information and compile it into a regular post when I return.  Here are samples of the submissions two years ago, and here's how the blogs were eventually listed.

I do this with the idea that people who share an interest in this blog may be interested in one another.  I certainly have visited a lot of the blogs of TYWKIWDBI readers, tracing them either through clickable names in comments or via the Google Followers icons in the right sidebar.  I've found blogs that specialize in polar bears and in electronic synthesizers and some that are wide-ranging accumulators like me, and some that are frankly totally bizarre; I've incorporated some of your blogs into my weekly reading, and am recurrently amazed by the variety of styles and content.

This project has to be limited to TYWKIWDBI readers, for obvious reasons.  I'm expecting to get a few dozen replies, but I can't accommodate the great unwashed public of a million bloggers out there, so please don't mention this promotion on your blog unless you want to do so after the list has been compiled and published.  And for this same reason, I will need some confirmation that you are a participant here.  If you are a regular or occasional commenter, I will recognize your name (for this event, saying that your are "anonymous" won't hack it).  Alternatively, if you have linked to TYWKWDBI (ever) or have TYWKIWDBI in your blogroll in a sidebar, that would be sufficient.

When I did this in 2009, several reader/bloggers reported that they got a nice bump in traffic as a result of the listing, so this might work out especially well for those of you with small, interesting blogs.


  1. WSU Discovery (wsm.wsu.edu/Discovery) is the blog of Washington State Magazine. Our tagline asserts it is a "frequent commentary chronicling the creative and intellectual
    excitement of discovery at Washington State University." We have a lot of fun with it.
    We enjoy reading TYWKIWDBI in our blog reader.

  2. 22 Words
    Just another repository of internet intrigue trying to be as awesome as TYWKIWDBI. :)

  3. Howdy, Minnesotan! Looking forward to cruising new blogs while you take care of business.

    I run two blogs:
    Hipster Housewife
    "I'm an artist who works from home, wearing plaid workshirts, sporting piercings and tattoos. I paint, I DIY, I fixit.

    I also happen to do the cooking and cleaning. I am a hipster housewife."

    Mostly-daily, photo-heavy entries on lifestyle, projects usual and unusual, etc.

    And then! I also am the managing editor here:
    Offbeat Home
    Wide-ranging lifestyle blog good for voyeurs, members of subcultures (goths, vegetarians, hipsters) and thinkers.

  4. Longing 憧憬

    Translations of Korean poems from all eras.



    Drunken Moon 醉月

    Translations of "classical" Chinese poems



    Moon Viewing 月見

    Translations of Japanese poems from various eras


  5. Thanks for the opportunity, what a great idea. Duck Soup (reallyducksoup.blogspot.com)is a stream of consciousness repository for interesting and informative items found daily on the web. Tag line: dogpaddling through culture, technology, music and more.

  6. Squidjiggin' Grounds

    Random thoughts, observations, poetry


  7. WSU Discovery, your link is a "page not found" 404.

  8. Lauren and Her Husband


    A potpourri of DIY and commentary from a young married couple living near Washington, DC.

  9. I mostly read, and save some of the absolutely AMAZING pictures you have, but I think I've commented once or twice. I'm more of a lurker than a commenter. Love the flash games (you got me addicted to Jorinapeka, thank you for that little time-waster!! ). But on that note, my little needlework blog that I started recently to accomodate the people I know and love who just want to see more of what I do with fiber!


    It's nothing special, except possibly to me, but what the heck ... I like it.

  10. What fun! I love seeing the obscure little things that you post about and will miss them terribly this week.

    Here's my little contribution to the wild obscurity of the long tail:

    Learning Latvian (http://learninglatvian.rozentali.com/) - My journey learning this interesting yet uncommon language, mostly focusing in-depth on grammatical points and vocabulary, with fun trivia thrown in randomly.

    Definitely looking forward to seeing all the great little blogs that will be featured in your roundup!

  11. My blog (Well, it's an email newsletter, actually)...

    Blog Name: Now I Know

    URL: Signup form is at http://dlewis.net/nik

    Archives are at http://dlewis.net/now-i-know-learn-something-new-every-day-by-email-archives/

    Purpose: To share something new, interesting about the world, each morning. Like the fact that carrots used to be purple, or that Abraham Lincoln created the Secret Service the day he was fatally shot, or that there's an island of hyper-poisonous snakes off the coast of Brazil.

    I'm an occasional commenter (typically anonymously) and have linked to you in the past; see the bonus fact at http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=2889002ad89d45ca21f50ba46&id=04d8b6ca8f

  12. furthermore, flask


    i write whatever i happen to be interested in at the moment. that might be the snowfort i'm building, whatever music or art i'm working on, my love of diagrams, or that i've decided to learn to make cheese.

  13. I am fairly new to blogging but have found that I have a passion for it and find inspiration in TYWKIWDBI regularly.
    My tiny plastic co-writers and I produce PlayWithMyFood.com. This is where the doors of my toy collection swing open so that you can view an amateur foodie’s approach to animal friendly living in a comic book nerd’s world.

  14. You've recently linked my regular blog, Flippism is the Key, but I am involved with another blog dedicated to the translated works of Halldor Laxness, the Icelandic Nobel Laureate in literature:


    Keep up the good work TYWKIWDBI!

  15. Did you know there's a resurgence of interest in the old Dungeons & Dragons game? I'm just one of many bloggers re-examining those old rules in the spirit of DIY and striving for elegance:


    I've linked back posts to you about five times, but I read pretty much everything you post. Thanks.

  16. Hi,

    my blog is devoted to questions of the craft of writing, primarily fiction and nonfiction, with some attention to poetry. For example, a recent post ("What's Structure Got to Do With It?") is about how Shakespeare never wrote any play in five acts (those were added a century later by editors of his work), and what a scholar points out was Shakespeare's true method of structuring his plays, and how this can be applied to structuring works of fiction.

  17. http://externalities.tumblr.com is my blog, which mainly features drugs policy, politics from a UK viewpoint, and various bits of tywkiwdbi-style awesomeness.

    (Here's one of several links to your articles.)

  18. Radiojestica
    Uhh... Pictures and videos that I find online, mostly, peppered with (badly) illustrated posts about my own life. Kind of a mix between you, Cynical-C, and Hyperbole and a Half.

  19. Active reader, commented a few times :).

    Name: TechnologyWoman
    URL: TechnologyWoman.com

    I discuss mostly technology and recruiting / hiring issues. I sometimes dive into social issues, but less often.

  20. My 'blog', blitherypoop, is on tumblr. It's highly NSFW most of the time, though the front page is uncharacteristically tame as I post this. In general it's photos that cause some kind of reaction in me. Things that make me laugh, turn me on, surprise me, remind me of a quote from a cartoon, or inspire a bad joke. Occasionally there will be a rant about an issue, a world-view, or my personal life. All-in-all...you'd have to be me to really get it, but you're welcome to try.

  21. Octopuses www.madelinesooctopuses.blogspot.com
    A humorous blog by a VA girl.

  22. For pottery, photography, and searching for a "second life" career and the musing that come with that, Mud Rocks Metal is mine. The link is contained.

  23. Thank you for your kind offer. I run a blog called The Town Scryer at http://thetownscryer.blogspot.com/
    it is still relatively new. Content varies from political commentary to humor and whimsy with periodic forays into curmudgeonry. When I comment here it is usually under "jaundicedi".

  24. Imstillaliveandnotdead.blogspot.com

    I'm Still Alive and Not Dead is a community writing forum. Different authors write on a different topic each month. Topics are intentionally made broad for maximum creativity on the part of the authors. We are still looking for new authors!

  25. i too am a "lurker" but i always love the random nature facts and photo posts. your site is under the "blogs i read" tab on my blog.

    haphazard musings and creations

    my site has all [or about 99%] original content ranging from food, clothes/fashion, sewing and other crafty stuff, gardening, and my cat. basically i do old lady stuff while enduring grad school.

  26. Blog name is Judy of the woods

    URL http://www.judyofthewoods.net

    Tagline: productivity, creativity, sutainability - selfreliant living in the 21st Century

    Per chance I recently did a tree sap article about the twig tapping method, but not as good as yours. Alas, the season was at an end over here when I tried tapping. Still, some synchronicity. Have fun tapping and gardening.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hi Stan, Jim here, I don't have a blog, but I couldn't help noticing...

    your blog's name,
    it's url, and

    Gasp! =)

  29. Fixed, Jim - thanks.

    The error probably crept in from having read about Thomas Jefferson making the same mistake in the quote in the Tea Party post earlier. See here -


  30. My blog is Everyday Critter

    I am creating animal related art every day in 2011 to help cure boredom and general malaise. And to teach myself new techniques in sewing and embroidery, etc.

  31. This might be marginally useful to TYWKIWDBI readers but who knows.

    "Irrelevant" is the Israeli/Hebrew equivalent to snopes.com

    I have been running this site since 2002. It has more than a 1,000 items.


  32. Oy!

    The Google profile thing displayed the wrong name. My name is Hanan Cohen and not "Kibbutz Tamuz".

  33. Hey Stan! For your consideration, yet again:

    The Pajama Pundit

    Given the toxic environment that is modern political discourse, ThePajamaPundit.com is a welcome distraction from the partisan bomb-throwing. With four contributors, each with a different political viewpoint, it is a place for varying political ideologies to come together and discuss issues. Character and ad hominem attacks are strictly forbidden, which helps to open up the dialogue. Readers are encouraged to add their opinions to all posts. Politics and media are the primary focus, with a dash of entertainment -- primarily movies & music -- thrown in as well.

  34. iPaintwithiPhone


    Paintings created using my iPhone and iPad. Finger painting for the digital age with a mixture of what I see in Dublin, Ireland and pop culture references.

  35. Infidel753


    Atheism, liberal politics, technology, individualism, and anything else that happens to interest me. Seldom NSFW, but highly opinionated.

    I read TYWKIWDBI regularly and have had it on the blogroll since January, sometimes link to it in my weekly "link round-ups", and wrote about it here.

  36. Best Buddies Blog
    I review humane, practical and safe products for dogs. I also post things of interest for the pet lover and stories or videos about dogs.
    I've been reading your blog for several years now. I don't really comment. I find your assortment of posts to be very refreshing from all the other blogs out there.

  37. I'm not a heavy commenter, but I read every post and it's so fun to learn such new random things every week, sometimes every day.

    Spotlight Sunburn
    A step-by-step narrative of my journey into the world of theatre - what I learn, what I feel, and why, at the end of the day, I still want to do this, no matter what. Lessons learned, lessons shared, steps forward, steps backward, and anything else that comes to mind.

  38. http://www.thefrustratedteacher.com/

    I'm just completely full of nonsense, but I do rail against education reformers, Republicans and others folks who don't care about us little guys. Oh, and lots of political cartoons (but you knew that).

  39. My Year on the Bounce


    A year of the various gigs I work in theatre, concert, av and other events. A look at what happens backstage be it good or bad but mostly sarcastic.

  40. saunatimes
    A celebration of the authentic sauna experience, from building your own to enjoying the health & wellness benefits. From one Minnesotan to another, for more hot air, www.saunatimes.com.

  41. blog.whybird.net is my vanity-named aggregator of "random things I find, and amazing sights I see" - always with a source link, quite often to a TYWKIWDBI article :)

    My interests span medical and scientific fascinations, computer coding (with some bias for Macs), education, and the strange and weird things people do. There could be any of that and more there.

    Oh, and the occasional original post actually by me.

  42. I have two blogs.

    Chez Cayenne My tagline is "Recipes from a spicy vegetarian kitchen." The recipes are almost always vegan, spicy and made with whole grains and healthy fats.

    My other is a silly tumblr blog full of reblogged photos and music videos: I'm clairedammit.

  43. Inkfumes


    This is my personal blog to display the design work I do as a contract artist. I am also a high school teacher for graphic design and video production classes.

    Became a regular reader this year, don't comment much. What can I say, i am normally the shy type. Love tywkiwdbi!

  44. http://lydiraeblack.blogspot.com/
    This is where I post progress updates on what I'm painting.

  45. Mi blog se llama Meridianos


    Escribo en español sobre curiosidades, historias y sobre todo aquello que me llama la atencion.

    Saludos desde España.

  46. I'll bite! I only comment rarely, but I've had you on my sidebar for quite a while. :)

    My blog is nominally about my entry into the sport of endurance riding, which is roughly equivalent to human marathons. I also end up talking a lot about my normal life, which is amusingly chaotic.


  47. Stan, Thanks for the great offer.


    We talk about guns and gun control from the liberal perspective mainly, but there's a smattering of other things some of which I've gotten from you.

    I offered to reciprocate in a tiny way with the Girandoni Air Rifle. Maybe you've decided not to use it, but it's yours if you want it.

  48. mikeb, I haven't forgotten the air rifle story; I bookmarked it and looked up some other references. It got buried under other stuff, but is within 3-4 days of being used after I finish chores,taxes etc and start posting again.

  49. Gioscience

    I'm a science teacher and I started blogging to archive stuff I could use in class so I wouldn't lose it. Now it's morphed into a blog of stuff that I think is cool, with a decidedly science-based slant.

  50. I have been reading your blog for a while...always interesting stuff!!

    I have added you to the blogroll on my blog site: www.ednelson.us/blog (blogroll is on the lower right).

    My blog is just a personal journal-type blog covering daily events and trips. Lots of posts about my motorcycle and traveling with my wife.

  51. The iHandbill (http://theihandbill.blogspot.com/) was honored to have been selected by TYWKIWDBI's list in 2009 and continues to be "A retired journalist's take on the news." A loyal readership makes writing my eclectic, satirical and provoking articles on today's America, bounced off my half-century of watching and writing about it, worth the effort.

    Happy anniversary!
    Larry Ray

  52. Oregon Expat (http://oregonexpat.wordpress.com/) is a daily blog written by an American expatriate living in Portugal. Focuses include cool happenings in the science world, snippets of life in Portugal, occasional moments of Mac geekiness, and of course cultural comparisons between the US and Portugal.

    Sometimes the best view of a nation is from outside of it.

  53. http://googlefritz.blogspot.com/ is an ongoing project featuring surrrealism, word humor and google results.

  54. oh, why not!

    Haddadadad blogg

    This blog (pronounced "huh-DAD-a-DAD" like the "ma-NAW-ma-NA" of the Muppets) is where I update people on fun e-tidbits I find, rants on my opinions and outrage, and pictures of cute kittens and dogs. I also update from time to time on my art business, band, and funny crap my friends say online. The original point of my blog was to entertain my friends. Now I pretty much entertain myself and hope others like it, too.

  55. Qac de feej


    Musings and mutterings from deep within the stacks.

  56. Long time reader, first time commenter.

    The blog is Criminal Wisdom ...


    Take a peek. It's criminal.

  57. Hello, I am Biscuit!


    An advice column for cats.

  58. Hi, Minnesotan! Long time reader, have left a few comments and often see your stuff linked on the Mental Floss Blog.

    My blog's name is: Random Esquire


    Just a random esquire writing about random observations on daily life with my dog, Little Filthy. There's not much rhyme or reason to what I write about and so most of the time, my entries are numbered so I don't have to pretend that they are in any way related.

    A great example of the random stuff I might write about is here: http://bit.ly/gpL99R

    In that entry, I compared my sister's artwork as a child with my own. It's downright humiliating.

    Thank you for the great opportunity - love the blog.


  59. My own blog is something in the making: Cloudsampson and the Musings: http://cloudsampson.blogspot.com/

    It's in the making, with some musings on art, ecology, rare animals, sci-fi and fantasy. Even though it started out as a student project, it's been evolving in it's own way.

    Also, one of my friend's Blogs, Sluglady's Sketchblog: http://slugladyssketchlog.blogspot.com/

  60. Retina Burn
    Observations and rants related to games and film. (Occasional NSFW language.)

    The blog is something that evolved from the endless discussions my college roommate and I used to have about movies, video games and media in general. After living in different cities for years we figured this would be a fun way to keep those conversations going.

    Thanks for this opportunity! I'm another frequent lurker that's been reading for over a year, and although I don't comment anywhere as often as I should (I'll have to change that) I do have a link on our blog.
