14 December 2010

Bumper stickers

This photo was originally labeled "Hatred."  I agree with the comments at Reddit that...
Ignorance leads to fear, and...
"Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering."*
*(Yoda, The Phantom Menace)
Photo source


  1. Best use of that Star Wars quote that I've seen.

  2. Thanks, anon. Attribution added to the post.

  3. I would be so sad for this person to find out that someone plastered the stickers on his car as a prank. And he has no idea why people are flipping him off on his way to work.

  4. I'm not so offended by the content of the stickers as I am the font and style. Then again, nationalist bigots aren't known for originality or aesthetics.

  5. Anyone else notice the "Let's Roll" sticker and the wheelchair license plate? Okay, that was mean of me.

    We have a car like this in my neighborhood. We call it the Hatemobile. It also has a trash bag duct taped over a missing rear window.

  6. I think what bothers me the most about this is the immediate contempt and loathing I feel for the owner of the vehicle. I have to step back and remind myself not to become the hater.

  7. To quote Joel Robinson (MST3K):
    "Sad, really."

  8. This is why I keep a roll of "Gay Pride" bumper stickers in my truck. When I see a vehicle like this one, or with a bunch of religious messages, I sneak over and put a little rainbow amidst all the hate.

  9. Saw this in Baltimore a few weeks ago... http://twitpic.com/2p9fcx

  10. cerebulon, when you do that you probably just make them madder and more hateful. not just at gays but at whoever they were angry at in th first place.

  11. Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your site...always something interesting to learn and appreciate here.

    I feel sad for this clown...to proudly proclaim your ignorance in public and not realize how stupid it makes him/her look.

    I wonder if this is learned behavior? Being from Kentucky, maybe daddy's truck was adorned with pro-confederacy flags and racist proclamations?

  12. It's not just Kentucky, and most Kentuckians aren't like this (although this person would be viewed as archetypal by many). I lived in Kentucky for 10 years and married a Kentucky girl, and can vouch that the vast majority of the people there are normal.
