24 November 2010

Interesting face

This is identified as a carte-de-visite from the 1860s.

Her facial appearance is made a bit more bizarre by the contrast created by the ruffed cap.  I wonder what caused the extreme coarsening of her features.  Myxedema?  Acromegaly?  A dermatological disorder?  Any clinicians care to offer thoughts?  At the source it's assumed to be normal old age.

Source: kmodil's Flickr photostream, via Historical Indulgences.


  1. IMHO, this is nothing but geriatric masculinization. These are not acromegalic facies although the lengthened digits are suggestive.

  2. reminds me of this French comic figure: http://www.restaurationspirou.net/Couvertures/CarmenCru8_26082008_211614.jpg

  3. To me she resembles the actress who played in "Throw Mama from the Train."
