23 August 2010


Technology certainly has changed since I was a kid.  I can understand the sight and the grip and the wrist brace at the back - not sure about the doodads that flare out to the sides in the front.  More pix here.

Those who are interested in this subject matter would probably enjoy viewing the video of Rufus Hussey, the "beanshooter man."

Addendum:  Melissa reports that the flaring components are stabilizers, similar to those incorporated into competitive archery equipment, as described at this link.


  1. They're stabilizers. I'm not sure how the physics work, but it's supposed to help keep the bow steady during firing (which is critical to accuracy). Those are actually petite as stabilizers go, check out what they use in Olympic archery: http://www.onlinearchery.org.uk/beginners/part_2_common_bows.html Hunting stabilizers get even more insane.

  2. They work because they are just big weights which make it harder to move the bow. If I remember my college physics it is because it increases the force required to significantly move the object. The heavier something is the harder it is for small movements (think jitters in your hand) to cause movements in the heavy object. This is the principle in camera stabilization rigs such as this homebrew rig.

  3. Hell of a job slipping that into your back pocket! I will stick with my wooden one.

    Not sure what is wrong with your post gadget, but I am having trouble trying to post a comment, twice now.

  4. It's the same physics behind the pole tight-rope walkers hold. They increase rotational inertia.

  5. Interesting. And logical. Thank you all.

  6. They're halteres.
