10 June 2010

World's tallest golfer

Deleted.  I was fooled because I was in too much of a hurry.

(Hat tip to Mark)


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  3. Maybe this disclaimer is the clincher, if you follow the asterisk on http://www.divnickgolf.com/wadlow/index.html:

    "*Of course, for the discerning readers, I made most of this legend up, along with quite a bit of photo manipulation. In fact, the only parts of the story that are true are that my grandfather made the best pickles in the Northwest, Robert Wadlow was the tallest man in the world, Babe Ruth hit a lot of home runs, and BIG STIKS are the best drivers in the world. The rest of it....well....I'm just having fun with my imagination. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. "


  4. I appreciate when the subject is updated to the current cognitive understanding... thanks!
