11 April 2010

Goth fashion

I am recurrently impressed by the elaborate and inventive stylings of Goth fashion, especially their use of cosmetic contact lenses (here and here).  The above photos come from a gallery at Izismile.  I'm not sure of the original source; I've been able to track individual photos to a Cyrillic website and to the NYT "Lens" photoblog and to a Der Spiegel story (which give different sources for the same photo).  The pix were apparently taken at the Wave-Gotik-Treffen festival in Leipzig.

Perhaps someone  (?Pascaline) can enlighten me as to which subtype of Goth these photos represent.


  1. The first and last are CyberGoth, the middle one is Victorian

  2. I wouldn't call the middle one Victorian. It's more an offshoot of the traditionals, without the makeup and black hair.

  3. I don't know, the lacy mask and high collar are pretty typical of the Victorian's.
    I've noticed a geographical adaptation of the different styles too which makes it even harder to categorize

  4. First and third are def cyber goths. I have a friend who does similarly fantastic things with plastic hair, though she tends to go with a green motif.

  5. I usually call these types of brightly-colored types "gravers," which is short for "Gothic Raver."

  6. I've noticed a geographical adaptation of the different styles too which makes it even harder to categorize.

    Actually, you might be right. Just seeing the head I would say traditional, but the hair isn't punky enough. The cloths might show a Victorian, but inconclusive. I'll make a study of it.

  7. wow... I was UNAWARE that this fashion trend evolved and developed long after high school... this is not a derogatory snide remark... i just realize how much money I would have had to spend to keep up if I hadn't hung up my combat boots and fishnets.

    very awesome to see, thanks
