10 March 2010

Some days it's not worth chewing through the leather straps

One of the cats is sick enough to need to go to the vet's office.  Load him in the carrier, go to the car... and discover the battery is dead.  Move everything to the the other car.  And discover that car ALSO has a dead battery.  Retribution from inanimate objects driven infrequently during a long cold winter.

Reschedule the vet visit until the next day, call AAA.  While waiting, turn on one of the family computers to find... the blue screen of death!

That was yesterday.  Today has to be better.


  1. Yikes! Hope everything worked out alright. Hope your cat is doing better. :)

  2. Cat had stomatitis, no tumor, getting steroids now. Should do well.

  3. ay ay ay ay ay!!
    on days like that you just want to hit the rewind button and stay in bed!!

  4. The meaning of "Some days it's not worth chewing through the leather straps" is fairly obvious, but I was wondering about it's origin. I quick search drew a lot of "no match found" type of answers.

  5. Ah, not a good day then? Bu**er.
    Le Loup.

  6. @expatQLD - there is a blog by that title -


    but I didn't get the phrase there. I encountered it somewhere on the 'net, and it's possible it comes from some literary source, but it sounds like a tag line from a stand-up comedian.

    Beats me.


  7. katethemomfromchicagoMarch 10, 2010 at 8:36 PM

    Oh boy. Besides my own two BSoD episodes yesterday, one of my good friends called me this late this morning and asked me what a the blue screen shutdown is all about. My niece, the sustainable architect had her laptop crash. Something is in the air? Dare'st we say it: spring? Humidity? Avatar blue people are coming?

    I just love your blog. Thanks!
