03 September 2009

Clown cars never run out of gasoline

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - No. 19 caught Michelle Duggar by surprise. The 42-year-old mom of 18 noticed that she wasn't losing weight — even though she and husband Jim Bob were on Weight Watchers...

So she took a pregnancy test. "And lo and behold, I was just pleasantly surprised that this was positive," Duggar said Tuesday. "I was just jumping up and down going, 'Thank you, Lord. Here am I — 42, thinking my baby days are over — and you've blessed us with another one.'"


  1. Yeah. Every sperm is sacred. They should have to pay a carbon tax for every child over replacement.

  2. This has got to be a mental illness.

  3. Hey, why did you use the Italian version of the video when you had the original one in English posted by the Monty Python themselves in HQ?

  4. @Anonymous - What I really wanted was the opening 30 seconds of the sketch - the stork dropping the baby down the chimney and the baby landing on the floor. Your link and the other half dozen I found that morning started at the song.

    But I agree the Italian is distracting. After some searching this morning I found a clip in English that starts at the beginning...

  5. Hear! Hear! I support a carbon tax for every child produced over replacement!

    And I want a tax credit for doing my part for the world by not reproducing.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Anonymous, I made the analogy indirectly in the title of the post; there was no need for you to be so crude about it.
