03 September 2009

Caption contest

What I'm actually seeking is a title for this post - preferably something related to health care reform. Something a bit less prosaic than the original caption:
Pisco, a 13-year-old llama, entered a terminally ill patient’s room for a visit at a Lakewood, Colo., hospice Tuesday. The llama visits patients each month as part of an animal therapy program. (John Moore/Getty Images)


  1. "We see you're on the National program, Mr. Smith. It's time for your Llama treatment."

  2. Llamas who stare at men.

  3. The patient across the hall was poorer and could only afford a cat scan.

  4. Don't be a-llama'd by Obama?

    (I think I need more caffeine to do justice to this).

  5. "I said Omaba, not LLama"

    Democrats walked out of closed door meeting on Universal coverage for livestock-Americans when republican cattle ranchers insisted on death panels to balance both expected quality of life and tastiness of the meat.

    SocilLamacized Medicine.

    Republican pundits accused Democrats amending the bill to replace secret Death Panels with the controversial LLama of doom.

  6. Will socialized medicine bring Llama rationing?

  7. "In the new National program, we now allow visits from the Dalai Llama"

  8. I'd say: Don't be a Donkey's Ass,
    say NO to OBAMA's Government Nationalized Health Program.
    {unless you told them, no one
    would know it was a Llama. The hind-quarters of a Donkey and Llama
    look alike}. Marilyne

  9. "Hello, I'm Senator Lieberman, if your insurance cioverage isn't good, maybe in three or four years I'll help you."

  10. Rush Limbaugh looks out into the hall to see if anyone's watching.

  11. Understaffed hospitals resort to hiring doctors from Peru.

  12. Llama of doom wins hands down. Oh man, good laugh.

  13. Choices in the medicine of the future -- you can have a cat or a llama.



  14. Right wing talk radio is reporting this morning that if any form of universal healthcare is adopted, President Obama, Sen. Reid and Speaker Pelosi will set vicious bloodthirsty llamas into nursing homes to kill our grandparents. In related news, 45% of the country, comprised fully of non-thinking Repubublicans, now believe vicious and bloodthirsty llamas to be a huge threat to our Constitution and Obama to be Kenyan by birth.

  15. Say, it's only 50 bucks a nite for excellent care at the veternarian's. Give you a lift there.

  16. I must be the only one thinking this but all I can think is"

    How in the world would you EVER get llama poop out of that carpet????

    Oh well.

  17. @CCL - your link is old but potentially bloggable. Thanks.

  18. Mr. Wynard didn't think Bill was serious when he said he'd shove an alpaca up his...

  19. "local llama checking in on owner's health. Llama hopes for owner's swift recovery from swine flu in order for them return to state fair in time for the 4H llama competition."

    if anyone read the news about the MN state fair 4Hers getting sent home because some caught swine flu....
