18 January 2025

Word for the day: steezy

As defined by the Urban Dictionary:
"A snowboarder term that combines the word "style" with "ease" to create the act of doing a trick with style and ease to make it done with super steez. A rider with steez, such as myself, would be referred to as "steezy" whether it be because of his/her sick tricks, gangster apparel, or watevs."
I was introduced to the word by my grandniece, so I'll illustrate it with her photo from her Facebook feed.  I will grant her some privacy by leaving her anonymous for the present, although her artistic skills were featured in TYWKIWDBI eleven years ago.

Those wishing to dive more deeply into the jargon might wish to explore REI's Snowboarding Glossary or Burton's Debatably Definitive Glossary of Snowboarding Terms and Slang, which says that steeze is "no longer widely used and is not considered "cool” in some circles" (and just when I've learned it...)

1 comment:

  1. also (occasionally) used as the nickname for american rock climber sean ‘steezy’ bailey.

    seen here documenting the process for sending (meaning ‘to climb to completion’, from a contraction of ‘ascent’) the boulder problem (a very short rock climb done over pads instead of being secured by a rope. the focus is on technical and/or physical difficulty, not endurance) ‘shaolin’ in red rock, and proposing the grade V17 (american boulder grading system) / 9A (european boulder grading system), the currently highest bouldering grade in the world.


    coincidentally, many climbing videos on this channel evoke skate videos, and thereby a related aesthetic to surfing, snowboarding, etc.

