29 January 2025

Mississippi bill would criminalize masturbation to ejaculation

As reported by WBLT3 News (Jackson, Mississippi).  It's not clear how this would be enforced.  


  1. Per the local ABC affiliate: "In a statement released on his Facebook page, (Democrat State Senator Bradford) Blackmon said in part, "The filing of this bill is to point out the double standards in legislation. You have male dominated legislatures in Mississippi and all over the country that pass laws that dictate what a woman can and can not do with her body. (...) I thought about how, well, there's no need for an abortion bill if we regulate what men do."

    1. That's pretty funny actually.

    2. An op-ed in the form of proposed legislation. I get it, but it's nutty in the sense that his mostly Republican opposition is focused on the "fertilized egg." The satire depends on a construction for which the equivalent would be criminalizing women for not taking full reproductive advantage of every egg produced. Hence, it's a bit inane...sort of works...but not...? Anyway, more: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/abortion-contraception-erection-act/

  2. If masturbation leads to insanity, we might assume Mr. Blackmon has been abusing himself with abandon.

  3. Perhaps we could provide bounties for people who report other people for masturbating. Or allow women to sue men who masturbate. Or maybe police could just arrest men who are in situations where they likely masturbate, as for example if they have purchased porn. If we're going to control the bodies of one sort of people (women, LGBTQ people), why should we not use the same tactics to control the bodies of another group of people?

  4. i was about to just quip about the irony of some wanker writing a bill like that, but decided to look at wikipedia beforehand, and then a little further. this proved to be a ride:

    1. bradford blackmon got elected to the mississippi state senate to replace his mother, barbara blackmon. his father, edward blackmon jr. is also a state representative. (both parents have been doing this for a really long time – his father since the early 1980s without break, his mother from the 1990s, with one break between 2004 and 2016)

    2. blackmon (and his parents) are democrats. this is where i figured something’s up, because my initial reading of the bill was the sort of moral panic over other people’s sex lives, justified by some semi-literate bible-hogging, and that’s more typical of your other party.

    3. his voting record is progressive on an issue at odds with my initial read: he voted against a transphobic bathroom bill (SB 2753)

    4. his quote about the entire thing was: ‘All across the country, especially here in Mississippi, the vast majority of bills relating to contraception and/or abortion focus on the woman’s role when men are fifty percent of the equation.

    This bill highlights that fact and brings the man’s role into the conversation. People can get up in arms and call it absurd but I can’t say that bothers me.’

    therefore i amend my reading and conclude that the man is trolling by introducing a bill formulating similarly invasive and ridiculous restraints on men as the ones commonly placed on women in the whole debate. (also, a side chuckle at the fact that an embryo is what happens when an egg gets fertilised, so the whole ‘fertilising an embryo’ thing is a bit wild. maybe i’m over-reading this as a jab at the gender definitions from trump’s executive order. but the chuckle was nevertheless had.)


    sources: (besides your linked article)
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradford_Blackmon
    * https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/key-votes/211365/bradford-blackmon

    1. also, a side chuckle at the fact that an embryo is what happens when an egg gets fertilised, so the whole ‘fertilising an embryo’ thing is a bit wild. maybe i’m over-reading this

      Ignorance on the biology and medicine of pregnancy is a staple of anti-abortion bills, so I'm going to assume that's a feature not a bug here. If not, it proves in its own way that men should just not make bills about things that do not occur in their bodies. Can't lose.

  5. If Only Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) were still alive. imagine he would have some clever take on this. he made national news years back being discovered possibly performing this potential Mississippi crime in an adult theater. My fave coverage on his subsequent legal troubles was an article entitled along the lines of "We're Pullin' for Ya, Pee-Wee"

  6. Ole Miss has gone liberal. Back in the day, an offense like this would send you to Parchman Farm.

    1. I was taught this kind of activity led to an eternity in hell fire. So, a $1,000 fine? I agree, laxity!

  7. I'm getting a real strong Monty Python Meaning of Life vibe from this
