30 November 2024

Pondering infinite monkeys

We've all heard the old adage about monkeys at typewriters, sometimes expressed as a million monkeys (as above, via Savage Chickens), or as infinte monkeys, or as a monkey for infinite years.  Recently, Australian mathematicians have reconsidered the Finite Monkeys Theorem, and calculated that "given the expected time until the heat death of the universe, we demonstrate that the widely-accepted conclusion from the Infinite Monkeys Theorem is, in fact, misleading in our finite universe."  Their data as applied to various works of literature -

- is available online at Science Direct.

Sadly, I have lost my favorite cartoon on the subject.  It depicts a monkey turning in his paper to the teacher, who reads "To be, or not to be, that is the glbiftza" and tells the monkey "Sorry, try again."

A tip of the blogging cap to John Farrier at Neatorama for the via.

1 comment:

  1. It will happen an infinite number of times, albeit a smaller infinity
