09 July 2024

Simone Biles

The one below is a trailer for a Netflix program scheduled to air July 17.  Looks awesome, because she is a very well-spoken young woman.



  1. The debunking myths was a pleasure, I had only seen her in pictures with a say-cheese-smile or grimace of pain, and videos where she was a blur doing impossible things. You’re right she is well spoken and pretty too.

  2. A friendly note here, but the term 'well spoken' is overused to describe black people. A known 'micro-aggression', the description conveys, unintentionally I'm sure, inherent surprise that a black woman is articulate despite her racial, et al, deficit. I've been a reader long enough to know that our dear writer is a human rights advocate and has posted and written many times about social and racial injustice. So, again, this is a very friendly notice of another tidbit of racism that is still used unintentionally by privileged people.

    1. My extended family is multi-racial, so your assessment of me is correct. In retrospect I suppose my expressing admiration about a person being "well-spoken" may reflect an inherent bias on my part... about professional athletes.
