28 June 2024

This is what Photoshop is for

The image above was posted to the PhotoshopRequest subreddit with this message:
As our family's "photoshopper" I have been asked to edit this picture to make it look like she isn't in the hospital. But I am too emotional to even start it. Their one request was that I make it look like she isn't in the hospital, but they have no other ideas or suggestions. I told them I don't think I'd be able to get the tubes covering her face removed. But if that's something you would like to attempt, please go for it. I am from South Africa, and so $10 is all I can offer. I hope this amount is acceptable, as I know how much effort and skill this will take. This picture was taken using their phone, so I don't have a better quality image, I'm afraid. Thank you all in advance.
The discussion thread includes several cleaned-up images, including this one:

Hats off to the Redditors who provide these services.

1 comment:

  1. There are some very impressive touch ups in that thread. It's interesting to see how far to change things different people set. Some did the minimum to remove the medical gear, and some also changed the complete skin tone.
