15 May 2024

Math puzzle

What fraction of the image is black? 

Ignore the straight lines and express your answer as a fraction, not as a "series" extending to some asymptote.

Answer here after you kick yourself for not solving this instantly in your head.


  1. One third black, two thirds white. It took less than 30 seconds.

  2. 1/3, because 1 out of 3 is black and one of the next 3 is black and...

  3. The thing is, you have to let your brain do it, without your brain looking for the trick questions.

    I guess it is like walking a thick, taut tightrope, you know you can do it, it is easy, one foot after another, which is what you do all the time ... but worrying about falling tips you off.

    If you order a turtle, a parrot and a cat as pets, you get one furred.

  4. Yeah, that was pretty much instant.

  5. I just used a spreadsheet
