10 January 2024

"Dogs intended for consumption"

Activists from Animals Hope Shelter inspect a truck containing hundreds of dogs intended for consumption after it was seized by police [Semarang, Indonesia].  Photograph: Daffa Ramya Kanzuddin/AFP/Getty Images

One of the "Photos of the Day" at The Guardian.  I haven't tried to track down the story. 


  1. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3247566/indonesian-police-seize-truck-226-dogs-bound-slaughter-human-consumption-win-animal-rights

  2. Our species has a lot to answer for. And not only for the way we treat dogs.

  3. South Korea's legislature just voted unanimously to implement a ban on dog meat that will take effect in 3 years. It includes assistance to displaced workers and plans to phase out the farming of dogs. On one of my business trips to South Korea, I was told that Koreans eat dog meat during hot weather because dogs don't sweat and they believe it will help them endure the heat better. Only a small percentage of Koreans eat dog meat, but those that do will probably not be happy with this ban.
