27 December 2023


A screencap I took while recently rewatching North by Northwest for the umpteenth time.  I am intrigued by the stylish wallpaper in the background of the hotel room, which brings back vivid memories of the 1950s


  1. I find myself pausing videos to look designs in the back ground. Last night, a video about the Chinese Moutai liquor showed an interesting window screen pattern. I should add that when I pause those, I will then replicate the design in MS Paint.

  2. How do you get a screenshot of a movie?

    When I do that with Snagit on my Mac, it goes grey.

    I can get a screenshot of anything else but I'm blocked from getting images from movies.

    1. "Screenshot" was perhaps an inapt term. As the "TCM" logo indicates, I was watching on standard cable. When the wallpaper appeared I grabbed my iPhone, zoomed in and snapped a photo.

      BTW, is Snagit any better than non-app "command/shift/3" ??

  3. Any scene with Eva Marie Saint is worth watching multiple times. Never noticed the wallpaper.
