01 November 2023

"The Eye of Soren"

Our doorstep last night was graced by the visits of numerous neighborhood children, dressed as superheroes and monsters, or wearing the predictable bright pink jumpsuits.  But the prize for most innovative costume goes to a young man named Soren, who crafted this himself.  Those familiar with The Lord of the Rings will appreciate the wordplay.


  1. Outstanding. I have a nephew in MIchigan named Soren that I'll send this to. What is the eye made of? Looks like maybe the top of hat? or painted styrofoam?

    1. I just inquired, and was told that it was made from a half-sphere of styrofoam (worn like a helmet and tilted forward for effect) and a sliced cone of styrofoam for the side thingies, all of it painted with acrylic.
