16 September 2023

Theater surveillance of the audience

The image embedded above is a screencap from a video in a Newsweek article documenting Lauren Boebert vaping in a performing arts theater.  

What is interesting to me is not the misbehavior, but the fact that the video is clearly from an infrared monitor aimed at the audience.   I suppose it is not surprising that this occurs, but I hadn't realized it is routinely done in some movie theaters.  Apparently the screening room, along with the lobby and corridors etc is considered public space where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.  You learn something every day.


  1. Because of crazy lawsuits, often about incidents the "victim" can easily arrange, the theater is probably trying to protect themselves from scams, as well as their patrons from fear of theft or perverts.

  2. I was surprised to learn that this was implemented in a few theatres the last decade here in India too.

    Given the prudish nature of the country, some young couples go to movie theatres to indulge in some hanky panky. Apparently IR cams were installed in theatres after some people raised an issue about it.

    There was a huge outcry about it, and many places have claimed to not have any cameras in their theatres. That said, there are some supportive of the move, bc disapproval of sexual acts in public space also general prudishness.

  3. It wasn't a movie theater, it was a performing arts theatre. She was at a stage show, the Beetlejuice musical. https://www.artscomplex.com/explore-the-complex/theatres-venues/temple-hoyne-buell-theatre

    Not that that particularly undermines your point, except that certainly fewer people go through this type of theater, and it's possible that movie theaters may be different.

    Also, seems much less socially acceptable to get up to these kinds of behaviors during a live musical than a movie screening. Just sayin'.

    1. Thank you for that clarification, Kyle. I've amended the text accordingly.

  4. I think there was more than just vaping? some touching and feeling as well? https://www.tmz.com/2023/09/15/congresswoman-lauren-boebert-boobs-crotch-beetlejuice-musical/

  5. it is privately owned space, can't the owner use cameras if they choose to?

  6. If you want to fool around, at least pick a mostly empty theater and sit in the back row.
