19 August 2023

Robots do the mashed potato

When they replace humans, this will be their victory dance.


  1. i LOVE this!!! Much hysteria {and sore ribs} with this one! TFS~

  2. I just learned how to do the mashed potato.

  3. The dance was great but I was amazed at the advances made in hardware and software. It wasn't that long ago that the BD stuff was chainsaw powered, slower and movements were far less fluid. We won't even begin to discuss the amount of work in allowing the jumps, etc ... on two feet instead of four. I could go on.

  4. This is uncanny. Watching the video, it was very hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that these were robots, and not humans in costume--even though, I knew, intellectually, that wasn't possible. But it's all too easy to imagine the day when robots are covered in such convincing human 'skins' that it will be literally impossible to distinguish the robots from the humans on a dance floor... and elsewhere, too.

  5. Next stop - Broadway?

  6. Awesome. Great technology
