25 July 2023

Watch this even if you don't like soccer

Via my old favorite Le Café Wittypoots.


  1. That commercial spends too much time showing the 'With VFX' men's soccer portion. By the time they started to switch to the women's version, I was "okay, I have seen enough soccer for today" and they were losing me (or even had lost me).

    It would be a better commercial if they showed the men taking goals following each one by the women, doing even better.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean by "the women, doing even better." You do understand that there were no goals scored by men in the entire video? Everything in the video - all kicks, all moves - were made by women.

  2. It might have been more surprising if the static image didn't give away the whole scheme.

  3. > You do understand that there were no goals scored by men in the entire video?

    Totally missed that - obviously, I am not a soccer (football, everywhere else) fan.

  4. Thanks for the share(s), Monsieur MinnesotaStan!

  5. While I'm not a soccer fan, I am a HIGHLIGHTS OF SOCCER fan. As I kept watching it, I began to think that was too many great plays by one team. That caused me to wonder if it was perhaps highlights from ALL of soccer, with a blue jersey, etc., layered on to them via CGI. That was impressive enough, but when it was women doing all that incredible "stunt work," I was totally impressed.

  6. Ok, full honesty here. Thought the VFX was sharpening the ball for better tracking in clips. Very clean and accurate shots by the strikers. But, I was thinking this was not top-tier soccer because of the limited reach and explosiveness of the goalie. The cross pass goals were particularly egregious. It made more sense when it was revealed to be women. They play a beautiful game but it is truly different than the men's game.
