26 June 2023

Plastic wrapped in plastic

Dinnerware at a motel.


  1. Whoa whoa whoa! Careful there, touching the plastic part that isn't wrapped in plastic.

  2. I have never gotten why food prep / handlers where plastic gloves? Is it to protect their hands from the food? I have watched them, and they do get the gloves dirty real quick, and that dirt then goes on the food?

    1. They put the gloves on to prevent the germs on their hands from reaching the food. Anything accumulating on the outside of the gloves is picked up from kitchen surfaces which we all know are sterile, germ free.

  3. The eggs seem to match the cutlery? :-) plastic-y? :-)

    1. Good eye. Yes, those are the institutional pseudo-scrambled eggs concocted by some industrial-size machine. For a free breakfast you get what you pay for.

  4. I believe the point is clean plastic wrapped in a shield of plastic exposed to the filth of the world. I've known many who would not use that fork otherwise. They're the ones dipping the corner of their napkin in the water glass to wipe down reusable metallic utensils. They don't want to be denied the thrill of eating with plastic which was not allowed to outgas.
