13 May 2023

"The Woman with the Handbag"

Statue created to memorialize this incident in Sweden in 1985:

The backstory is here.  Images cropped for size from the ones posted here.


  1. The article speaks of her having mental health issues. It occurred to me that anyone whose mother came through the Holocaust might well have such "issues." Sometimes, brokenness is the actual result of things, and not some unusual matter that can be dismissed.

    If a couple lose a precious child to some tragedy, wouldn't we find it odd if they DIDN'T have issues with grief and "mental health"?

    One of the weaknesses of the First Amendment, I believe, is that we like to act as if it is morally blind. That is, that ANY speech is equally justified by the First Amendment. But that's not true, is it? Some speech elevates and liberates...while other speech terrorizes and brings into bondage.

    We must choose a side. While there is plenty of room for disagreement about issues, there is a difference between what is moral and immoral. We ought to heed the difference.

    1. Must we choose a side? Morality is not a binary concept, and what is considered moral is fairly fluid in modern society. A person may believe that gay marriage is wrong, and also believe that it is wrong to force others to agree with him. So, which side is he on? Is it moral to think that abortion is wrong while also holding the belief that individuals should make decisions regarding their bodies? Which is the moral side in that debate?

      If 1A is not morally blind, whose vision gets to determine what is moral or immoral?

  2. Thoughtful comment, AaronS, thank you.

  3. The lady was only 38 at the time of the photograph!
