19 May 2023

After the weekend, TYWKIWDBI will endorse a presidential candidate

It distresses me to no end to see that the news cycle is already going full-blast on the next presidential election cycle.  Everything I have read suggests that Americans are widely divided, and that even the major parties are unable to field candidates that appeal to the majority of voters in their own party - much less appeal across the blue-red divide.

After much thought I have decided that there is only one person who can bridge the gap that divides voters in this country.  I'll post their name after the weekend; you are welcome to speculate or offer your own choices in the Comments.


  1. Only one answer is possible.
    (I hope the link works properly)

  2. Let's have a president by lottery. Everyone of voting age gets their name in the pot. Then Punxsutawney Phil will pull out a slip of paper and that person's got the job for four years. Four years and three months if they were a middle child, they deserve a little extra for that.

    1. That has a bit of a "Hunger Games" vibe.

    2. The ancient Athenians practiced this for some positions. It's called sortition.

      I think that we're actually better off with just voting so that there is, at least, a sizeable constituency behind an elected official. It would make the final choice seem more legitimate than sortition does.

    3. Hunger Games?? How about the OG, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson?

    4. Can't be much worse than regularly elected presidents.

  3. Giant Meteor has my vote!

  4. So help me, if you say "Tom Brady," it will NOT end well for you!

  5. Personally, Jamie Dimon would probably be the smartest guy we could get. But whomever we get, he/she has to be liberal in the areas that matter least to conservatives...and conservative in the places that matter least to the liberals.

    Unfortunately, with our current political situation, you would think that EVERYTHING matter immensely.

    In truth, many conservatives--especially the religious right (of which I am a member)--care a whole lot about abortion, wokeness, and the rise of the LGBTQ platform--but relatively little about tax rates and the such. Yes, they care about those things too, but not nearly so much as the big three.

    1. Please, not another billionaire completely out of touch with 90% of Americans. As far as the religious right is concerned ... pushing religion into government appears to be causing the decline of christianity. https://medium.com/backyard-theology/why-republicans-will-finally-destroy-the-church-in-the-usa-598c8c049631

    2. > the religious right (of which I am a member)--care a whole lot about abortion, wokeness, and the rise of the LGBTQ

      Sounds as though they care a whole lot about other people's behavior, and nothing about their own.

  6. > there is only one person who can bridge the gap that divides voters in this country

    It's John Roebling, isn't it?

  7. Anybody who wants the job should be disqualified. It should be someone who goes kicking and screaming in protest. Eisenhower?

  8. Replies
    1. RFK Jr? Mr anti-vax who wouldn't know a fact if it hit him in the face? ROTFL Shirley, you jest?

    2. You don't believe in vaccines?

    3. The "vaccine objection" was my knee jerk reaction as well. But, the more I learn about RFK Jr., the more I'm seeing him as the best of the declared candidates. I once believed that anyone who is "nuts" on vaccines must be nuts on every other subject. Firstly, I don't think RFK Jr. is as nuts as I once did (that is, I've come to see his take on vaccines as a different view of the science than my own, but not insane) and more importantly I'm listening to his views BEYOND vaccines. My advice: spend a few hours listening, where this man is actually given a chance to talk.

  9. Replies
    1. Tulsi Gabbard? Really? Wow. You need to do some reading!

    2. The Democratic character assassination team will do its best. Anyone who fails to conform. Can Tulsi Gabbard's various spiritual influences or past beliefs be used to destroy her? I'm not that shallow.

  10. Or Bernie and Tulsi--age-related back-up, VP choice.

  11. It's Wednesday. How long "after the weekend" did you mean?

    1. This is taking me longer than I expected to compose. I have the candidate and the principles and the arguments, but I'm trying to add some proper source material and an appropriate image. Also we're having superb early summer weather, perfect for gardening/mulching etc. "After the weekend" theoretically lasts forever, but I do want to get this candidate blogged before this next wekend.

    2. "principles and the arguments" how quaint. I miss those days.

    3. Spurred on by your comment, I spent FOUR HOURS this afternoon drafting the endorsement post. And I'm far from done. But I found a great photo, which I'll email you privately.

  12. Which weekend is not specified so can't be held accountable, besides the election is a year and a half away. Enjoy the sunshine.

  13. I hope your announcement has a better connection than what twitter did. {smirk}
