22 April 2023

Modern-day gold prospector

Image cropped slightly for size from the original at the New York Times, which reports that the recent torrential rains in California have been a boon for gold prospectors, who nowadays sometimes don wetsuits rather than panning the gravel.


  1. there's a couple of youtube channels of people that 'snipe' for gold in wetsuits. Sometimes with dredges, sometimes just looking for nuggets. Tassie boys prospecting or pioneer pauly are two I watch sometimes.

  2. A lot of folks in Michigan where I live like to collect rocks from Lake Michigan. Their favorite time is after a big storm when fresh rocks have been churned up. Especially early spring. Lake Michigan has so many people continually walking the beach picking up the nicest rocks that you have to aim to look when the rocks are not so picked over.

    That's not exactly gold but it's another example of the weather being important to rock collectors, something I wouldn't have expected.
