08 April 2023

Intra-family politics

A New Yorker cartoon.


  1. HeHe, This is how serious some are taking their politics.

  2. It is ludicrous to me that families--FAMILIES!--would actually become bitter at one another because of who is the president (and this goes for whatever party one may support). I think, if anything, Trump revealed that we are not nearly so wise as we fancy ourselves to be--whether in voting for or against him...or especially in how we have let such things damage life-long relationships.

    1. It may be ludicrous, but it's real.
      "In a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted a couple of months after Trump’s 2016 victory, 16 percent of respondents said they had stopped communicating with a friend or family member because of the election."

  3. Why would anyone want to stay married to someone they don't like anymore, especially someone who embraces fascism? I sure wouldn't.
    "Kellyanne Conway, who was a top adviser to former President Donald Trump, and George Conway, a lawyer and frequent Trump critic, announced Saturday that they are divorcing after more than two decades of marriage." (Over politics)

  4. I guess our form of Government has painted itself into a corner, for all the wrong reasons. All because a Miscreant Narcissist without an ounce of compassion who would cut a deal with Putin in the first 15 minutes of his next term. To the Voting Public: It can always get worse, it's up up you! THINK before you cast that ballot!!

    1. Anonymous, you are either screaming into the darkness, or perhaps just "preaching to the choir," because the readers of this blog are already thinkers. And most of them have already made up their minds re the next election. And some will be voting for the "other side" after carefully considering all the details.

    2. No careful consideration of details, just voting against the other side. The commenters who toe the GOP line here routinely complain about criticism of how things used to be, they aren't thinking about how things are going to become. Read the comments. Or just do a search for "in my day" or "used to be". Somehow progress became their enemy.

  5. This cartoon is from August, 2011. Mr. Trump was not even in the political picture.

    James Carville and Mary Matalin have been happily married for 30 years.

    A person can be a conservative and not support Trump. A person can be a liberal and not support AOC.

    You are not a fascist if you side with Riley Gainey or support a law mandating electric car sales beyond 2035. You are not a Nazi if you think parents should have a voice in what is taught in public schools, nor are you a socialist if you support health care for all. You might be a moderate if you want to end the labels and go back to debating and compromising on important issues.

    We will certainly get the government we deserve if the 2024 presidential election is Trump v Biden. You should indeed think before you vote, and thinking and voting should start with the primary elections.

    Any opinions I have posted here are mine and are not necessarily endorsed by my spouse. Have a great Spring, or Fall if you live down under. Speaking of which, where has William Rocket been?

    1. August 8, 2011 issue -



    2. You might be a moderate if you want to end the labels and go back to debating and compromising on important issues.

      No. At the moment, that makes you a Democrat.

      Republicans are not interested at the moment in compromising, debating or even facts.

      And after you've rolled your eyes at this reaction, please let me know when the last time was that Republicans were interested in solving an existing problem. And worked with Democrats to do so.

    3. This cartoon is from August, 2011. Mr. Trump was not even in the political picture.

      Memories are short. People seem to have forgotten that in 2011, one party thought that the other party had illegitimately installed a secret muslim Kenyan as POTUS. And before that, the other party thought that POTUS had been installed by supreme court and tortured prisoners. And before that there was some hubbub about POTUS doing sexy stuff in the Oval Office. JFK would have been very surprised at that, BTW.

      Only before those long-gone times was there legitimate uproar about the fact that the dude who said he wasn't gonna raise taxes, raised taxes.

    4. This relevant quote from Orwell's 1984: "“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation.'

      Substitute "politics" for "war."

  6. "And after you've rolled your eyes at this reaction, please let me know when the last time was that Republicans were interested in solving an existing problem. And worked with Democrats to do so."

    The Electoral Count Reform Act (2022) , led by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.

    The Safer Communities Act (2022) led by Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and John Cornyn, R-Texas

    The CHIPS and Science Act (2022) a bill first negotiated by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind.

    As a former teacher, I seldom roll my eyes. People, especially students, do not like that.

    1. If I'm not mistaken, all these 3 bills were initiated by Democrats, not Republicans.

      In the case of the first two, the laws were watered down by Republicans to mere symbolic legislation that will not significantly solve the problem. Incremental progress minimalized by Republicans eager to get credit for mostly stopping progress while still getting something done. Pyrrhic victories for Democrats.

    2. Some people on each side would argue that Susan Collins is not a Republican and Joe Manchin is not a Democrat. I agree with what you said above that people need to get out and vote in the primaries, so maybe we will get candidates that are worth our votes.

    3. Yeah, I was pretty sure that whatever I cited would be wrong. Thanks for the discussion anyway.

      Bicycle Rider

  7. Seeing the back a forth on marriage and political views I had a flashback. I’d been railing for months against Nixon when on election night my wife told me she voted for him. I remember for weeks wondering what other ways I’d mistakenly assumed we were compatible.
