06 March 2023

Clickword for word puzzle enthusiasts

The Clickword daily puzzle presents you with several initial starting letters, then invites you to add twenty more groups of three to form words (detailed instructions at the link).

At the end your score is tabulated and compared to other participants.  Without knowing what letters are coming up later, there's a lot of guesswork involved in deciding whether to harvest small words or try to save for possible higher-scoring larger ones.  I presume everyone gets the same letters every day, so cheating would be possible if one collaborated with a friend.

The corollary puzzle Squareword is less challenging.

1 comment:

  1. Learned a new word today - "oxter".

    In several old English dialects, when you tucked something into your armpit you called it your ōxta. Thus, today's “obscure” term oxter. It's the “hollow beneath the junction of the arms and the shoulder.”

