01 March 2023

Apparently this is real

Embedded image from the WhitePeopleTwitter subreddit, where there is a relevant discussion thread.  I have nothing to add.


  1. For anyone who thinks fascism isn’t real or isn’t a threat in the United States this is what it looks like.

  2. Expect more of this. If it were in Texas, they would have shopped around for a judge ahead of time who would rule this as a legal maneuver.

  3. "SB 1248 never mentions the word Democrat or Democratic, but "the Ultimate Cancel Act," said Ingoglia in a prepared statement, would decertify any political party that ever included a plank to support slavery in its platform, something the Democratic Party did between 1844 - 1864.

    Is Ingoglia trolling his political opposition that was trounced in the 2022 elections? He did not immediately return a phone call seeking clarification of SB 1248, but he later confirmed the suspicions that he was using the issues of racism and slavery for a political stunt. He tweeted "Fact check: TRUE" late Tuesday when a supporter suggested he had "single-handedly trolled an entire state political party."


    1. Makes sense. One of my cousins in Florida said the event was real, but that there weren't enough crazy politicians in the state legislature to bring something like this to fruition. It's basically pandering to a base.

      To me it seems representative of the fart-in-your-face level of political discourse in our country these days. I'm tired of all of it.

    2. So he admits this was a political stunt, done with no regard for the seriousness of racism. It must be nice to have the privilege of thinking there are no real problems to be addressed and that he can waste time on trolling.

  4. Where are all the adults? We need a grown up in the room because there are real problems to solve. We can't waste all our time on these pointless gotcha stunts.

  5. Highly effective political warfare. One message comes through: the Dems are the party of slavery. And we all know slavery is bad. (Even if we loved it for 15,000 years!) IQ matters and half the population is somewhere below 100. And a lot of those people vote. The GOP has gotten very good at carving-off this population. I blame elitist Dems for letting it happen. (Ironic: When we look at labor law, unions, worker safety, the minimum wage, etc., the GOP actually is the party of slavery.)

  6. This is definitely real.

    Maryland HB1180
    Criminal Law - Youth Accountability and Safety Act

    "The bill would prohibit an individual under the age of 25 from being convicted of first-degree murder committed in the perpetration of or an attempt to perpetrate various felonies including carjacking, arson, burglary, rape, and various sex offenses."

    "The bill’s provisions prohibiting individuals under the age of 25 from being convicted of first-degree murder* in specified circumstances would allow these individuals to be released from incarceration after serving no more than 40 years in prison. This could allow an individual who may have committed a murder while committing another crime as a juvenile or young adult to have an opportunity to be released at a more mature age and possibly rehabilitate. Accordingly,
    this would have a meaningful impact on individuals in this age bracket, particularly Black or African American individuals who generally face arrest for murder at a disproportionately high rate."

    *Could still be charged and convicted of second-degree murder.

