17 January 2023

Guess who the artist was (1913)

Answer at this Reddit discussion thread.


  1. When I clicked on the image to embiggen, I saw the name of the image file which gives it away.

  2. I was going to say that it has good technique, but a closer look tells me that the faces and figures seemed stretched a bit too much in the horizontal direction. Is that from an image reproduction error, or did the artist have a problem visualizing proportions?

  3. I didn't realize that the infant was supposed to be Jesus because of the blue eyes and blond hair. But if the artist is Hitler, this “Aryan Jesus” makes perfect sense.

  4. I don't know if there's anything to this, but the figures look similar to a style often used to paint the Hindu gods. Any artists or art historians care to comment on why this might be?

    1. I had that same first impression, especially with the head scarf and flowing garments.

  5. What is that thing in the sky on the right - a rip that has been repaired and poorly painted over?
