28 January 2023

DIY "evening dress"

A useful tip for the cost-conscious supermodel.  If you find yourself caught without appropriate evening wear, you can 
"... turn a pair of jeans into an evening look by cutting off the top four inches to wear as a matching denim bandeau bra top. (To keep the now waistband-less jeans from falling down, she glues the zipper together.)"
More details at The Guardian.

AddendumTutorial video by Julia Fox herself on how to do this.  Tx, anon.

No need for evening wear?  Then perhaps just visit the "Go Tuck Yourself" report to see the latest styles of (not) tucking your tops into your bottoms:

More incredible examples at the link.


  1. Regarding tucking only the front of the shirt in (as in the bottom model in red), this is sometimes referred to as a "French tuck," as repopularized (but not originated) by) Tan France. See this Salt Lake Tribute article: https://www.sltrib.com/artsliving/2019/07/19/scott-d-pierce-utahs/

  2. Link for the The Guardian article: https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2023/jan/26/low-rise-waistlines-the-return-of-y2ks-most-debauched-trend

  3. I have found that my appreciation of foolish fashion increases with the attractiveness of the model. In fact, I propose that fashion houses buy the clothes from their rival...and then put it on really unattractive people in order to slow sales.

  4. Being a lecherous old man, I took a look at the Guardian article. And even read the Guardian article! A word salad mix of whole cloth. The emperor wears no clothes; not even butchered jeans.

  5. The model in the denim bikini looks immensely unhappy with her life choices. Or perhaps that's part of the look she is going for.

  6. The tutorial video: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CbQC72qF0b7/?hl=en juliafox - Low waisted pants tutorial!
