29 May 2022

The Onion doesn't hold back


  1. Funny how none of these Onion stories appeared last year when more than 1000 people were shot in Baltimore City, 350 of them died, including at least 13 under the age of 18. At least 95% of the victims were Black. Of course, this occurred in a city and state run by Democrats for several decades. If you can’t blame Republicans or the NRA, all you hear is crickets.

    Sad, but not at all funny…

    1. https://www.baltimoresun.com/features/baltimore-insider/bal-10-times-the-onion-skewered-baltimore-20151015-story.html

    2. Thanks, I stand corrected.

    3. This Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis narrative on gun violence doesn't seem like it tells the whole story...


      Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm

    4. Thank you, Andy, for sending some actual data (the PBS one is a truncated nonclickable screencap from the second)

  2. The facts are always in MY favor (when I pick the ones to use)

  3. Hey Americans,

    As an immigrant, I try to let y'all run your place without too much interference. I'm trying to know my place.

    Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

    Without life you don't have happiness.

    This is not normal. This is not American exceptionalism. You can do so much better.

    Please register to vote. And vote all the fucks who let it come to this out. Please.
