24 April 2022

A swan's nest in Serbia



  1. I'm gonna abuse my privileges here to comment on the post above, making a different point than yours by noting that the top 3 causes of children in America are negligent parents: Guns, cars and medication. Only the fourth is a disease.

    What was that again about freedom and family values?

  2. similar to the commenter here,re: post above. while the text does come clipped from NEJM, i found the #4 confusing- in its appearance right after the age 1 to 19 descriptor of the age group being discussed. suggest that this be edited out. that 4 may be relevant to the reading of article as a whole, but makes for confusion in your blog post clip. my comment here need not be posted to the blog.

    1. You're absolutely correct, Lars. I normally do edit out numerical links when I copy/paste. This one escaped my editorial eye because the number was superscripted rather than parenthesized. Fixed. Thank you!
