21 March 2022

Insect trends in Wisconsin during the pandemic

A good video for those who are interested in insects, presented by the head of the Insect Diagnostic Lab at the University of Wisconsin.  Residents in the state can send in insect samples (or photos) for free diagnosis, so the lab offers a good perspective of changes that are happening in the state.   Start at the 10-minute mark for comments on specific insects.  Lots of exotic insects arriving because of purchases on Amazon being sent from the country of origin (like Australian cockroaches).  

1 comment:

  1. u-toob links:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8tVoQB5G3I Tracking Insects Across Wisconsin in the Pandemic | University Place 59:25

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7W1KHaAZco "Tracking Insects Across Wisconsin in the Pandemic Year" PJ Liesch, Entomology, 08/11/2021 1:12:04

