12 February 2022

Short-term and long-term interest rates

Interest rates will be very much in the news in the months ahead, so I'm embedding a couple charts from Bloomberg for reference.  Above is a two-year chart of two-year bond rates.  Below is a 3-year chart of 10-year Treasuries.


  1. I think this chart is instructive. It shows yields on the T-10 back to 1790. Note that we have been in a bull market in bonds (bond prices up, yields down) since 1981. That 40 year period leaves a very large proportion of both the general public and investing professionals with no experience of a secular bond bear market.


  2. Could you explain a bit more what we're looking at here and what it might mean?

  3. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/100814/why-10-year-us-treasury-rates-matter.asp
