10 February 2022

Marjorie Taylor Greene decries the "gazpacho police"

“Not only do we have the DC jail which is the DC gulag, but now we have Nancy Pelosi’s gazpacho police spying on members of Congress, spying on the legislative  work that we do, spying on our staff and spying on American citizens,” she said, referring to the Democratic speaker of the House. 
Audio and video at the Republican Accountability Project ("We are Republicans & conservatives defending pro-democracy R's, holding accountable those who tried to overturn the election, & fighting against disinformation.")  Via.

More about gazpacho.


  1. Dunder head... I hear her constituents are sick of her and that she won't be re-elected ~

    1. That's the way it supposed to work...

    2. Well then I hope she gets primaried, because if she's beaten by Democrats in the general election, the talk about rigged voting and voter fraud would go exponential.

  2. I cannot for the life of me decode this particular example of 'word salad'. What the actual does gazpacho have to do with anything in this context? Is it supposed to be a slur against Hispanics? Can someone please explain?

    1. She was alleging that Nancy Pelosi has GESTAPO police spying on members of Congress...

  3. She's used to her words getting a cold reception.

    Also, gestapo police is tautology, or pleonasm - I'm gonna stay out of the nuanced difference between the two. Like FBI police. Or chai tea. Or ... idiot maga head.

    Worth to point out that MGT ran unopposed in her district. The Dem that was running against her suddenly pulled out. Don't remember why. Very much like her great leader, she did not really win her election.

    1. Kevin Van Ausdal withdrew after being served with divorce papers in September 2020, which left him with no place to live. He moved to Indiana where he has family. He contemplated continuing his election bid from Indiana, but his staff apparently talked him out of trying that gambit. It is unlikely he would have won the election at any rate.(1) Ms. Green did in fact win her election, both of them as a matter of fact.

      Mr. Trump really did win his election because he won the electoral vote. Mr. Biden won the election because he won the electoral vote. That is how the Constitution works. The rule of law regarding elections is not suspended for candidates we dislike.(2)

      (1) https://www.ajc.com/politics/politics-blog/why-marjorie-taylor-greenes-opponent-quit-the-house-race/E3TYSMAAPRDUPPB6F3BBQAFCME/

      (2) https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/about

  4. Who does she think she is? Archie Bunker?

  5. "OK, It’s Small, but There’s a Chance Marjorie Taylor Greene Could Lose"


  6. Trying to think of a food that sounds like stasi.

  7. Right up there with the time Scott Walker signed off with “molotov” instead of “mazel tov” in a letter to a Jewish constituent.

    Scott Lovrine

    1. Maybe. Or it could have been an unfortunately autocorrect. The incident is discussed at Snopes.
