26 January 2022

"The bitter fury of a disillusioned believer"

I have pretty much stopped adding posts to the Trump category of this blog, but I'll make an exception today to offer some excerpts from a fascinating New York Times op-ed detailing a total about-face by Ann Coulter.
No one wants Trump,” she asserted in a column last week. “He’s fading faster than Sarah Palin did — and she was second place on a losing presidential ticket.”..

Ms. Coulter’s anti-Trump bile is not entirely new and carries the bitter fury of a disillusioned believer. While an early and enthusiastic MAGA convert — during the 2016 campaign Ms. Coulter cheekily proclaimed herself ready to die for her candidate and penned a cringey hagiography titled “In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!” — she began souring on his presidency pretty quickly over his failure to make good on his more draconian immigration promises...

Her critiques of Mr. Trump have included calling him “a shallow, lazy ignoramus,” “a complete moron,” “a blithering idiot” and “a lout.” She now considers his entire presidency a flop. “Trump accomplished everything he was ever going to accomplish at 2 a.m.” on election night in 2016, she emailed me last week. “The best thing that could have happened to the Republican Party (and the country) would have been for him to be vaporized at the moment he was announcing his victory..."
The column continues by detailing Coulter's shift to supporting Florida governor Ron DeSantis.  Quite an interesting read.


  1. I was disillusioned and deeply disappointed by January 21, 2017; a day after inauguration, the newly elected still had not deported the ten million illegal aliens as he had promised to do.

  2. Coulter has been off the Trump train for a while. I'm happy for a 2nd Trump term followed up with DeSantis, who I feel lacks some of the bombastic qualities that Trump has used so well.

    1. Then you are what's wrong with this country. Trump was and is incompetent and evil. DeSantis is competent evil, which is actually worse. Sincerely, someone from Florida who sees every day what he is doing to literally try and kill us all.

    2. Look, you're going to have to come up with something other than self-righteous indignation to convince me that Biden shouldn't be tossed out on his can in 2024, if not immediately. There have been WAAAAAY too many foul ups (genuine foul ups, not outrage NYT op-ed writers) for him to justify a reelection

    3. Why is the thread shifting to Biden FFS? These politics posts always veer off the tracks - which is why I usually close comments.

    4. Because perhaps in all the furor you might want to ask WHY someone would vote for Trump?

    5. Trump and DeSantis have exacerbated a global pandemic both through refusing to take responsible actions recommended by experts and pushing "cures" that are, at best, ineffective and, at worst, dangerous. DeSantis continues to downplay vaccination as an effective tool against COVID-19.
      When Trump lost the election he encouraged a violent mob whose actions he still praises.
      Can you come up with anything other than "bombastic qualities" to justify giving Trump another term in office, given how much of a disaster one term was?

    6. More people died from COVID under Biden than Trump, despite the availability of several vaccines and a year's worth of treatment experience. Either our counting is off, or our preventative measures don't work. Either way I have no faith in the experts. Trump was right to try and move on from the pandemic. Biden's vaccine mandate was the perfectly wrong approach and has forced workers from jobs for no appreciable benefit.

      The election was a mess and most Republicans still don't believe that it was fairly conducted, myself included. I'm not happy with what happened on January 6, but after a year's worth of political and race riots nationwide., I'm not that outraged over it either.

      Beyond those two issues, Afghanistan alone should have Biden impeached. His foreign policy has been an unmitigated disaster in containing the efforts of all our adversaries. The fact that we're evacuating another embassy in just 6 months is embarrassing.

      The economy is in the shitter. I don't place inflation entirely at his feet, but he's doing nothing about it. Energy prices are terrible, a needless additional expense on everything when a year ago we were energy independent.

      Years from now, hopefully when time has sufficiently cooled the politics of historians, Biden will rightly be seen as a geopolitical disaster. Trump will be an above average president brought low by a thoroughly dishonest media and a poor ability to choose subordinates.

    7. IronHorse, I'm tempted to write a detailed rebuttal, but I don't have all day, and of course it wouldn't change your mind.

    8. I don't want a rebuttal, I just want you to listen. Sometimes I think you still don't understand why Trump was elected in the first place.

    9. I'm absolutely certain you don't want a rebuttal. I actually do listen, and I believe I do understand why Trump was elected.

    10. False.

      While the number of deaths from COVID in the U.S. under president Biden is on course to top the death count during the Trump administration, it has not yet done so. Around 379,000 people have died in the U.S. from COVID since January 20, when Biden took over as president, around 45,000 fewer than under Trump.

    11. You're welcome to believe whatever you want, even when the facts directly contradict those beliefs, but when your beliefs either openly or tacitly justify violence and harming others that's when they become a problem.

    12. "Around 379,000 people have died in the U.S. from COVID since January 20, when Biden took over as president, around 45,000 fewer than under Trump."

      And of course thousands of those deaths "since Biden" were people who became ill "under Trump." Comparisons like this are almost impossible and frankly a waste of time.

    13. IronHorse: The invasions and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were initiated by G W Bush as reprisals for 9/11. After 20 years, very few supported staying in for another 20. Trump set the exit from Afghanistan in concrete. Biden inherited that exit. It was not pretty, especially from the Monday morning quarterback perspective. But military messes are somehow excusable under Republican rule, but intolerable under Democratic rule. (An old story.) As to Covid, both Trump and his followers are irrationally resistant to social distancing, masks and vaccines--like nothing I've seen in my lifetime. To claim Biden is failing at controlling Covid is an amazing stretch. As to the price of oil and other goods (inflation), to claim this was anything but "in the pipeline" when Biden was elected is a claim not grounded in economic facts. Also, the protests/riots following the Floyd killing/murder involved no attempt to evict our government from the nation's capital. Lastly, I DO understand why people voted for Trump. Centrist Democrats have failed to keep the poor, the working poor and the working class front and center in their actions. When Hillary Clinton spends 3 million on a wedding, that suggests a lack of intimacy with the pain on the streets and roads of America. I think Bernie would have beaten Trump.

  3. This seems to be a long-standing, deeply rooted disease in the core of the Republican party. Trump came in with a grand parade of syncophants. Bush II came in with a grand parade of syncophants. Bush I, well, let us overlook this error. Reagan came in with a grand parade of syncophants. All of them are now left dying by the side of the road as the GQP now searches for the next, lurching between Cruz, DeSantis, and Abbott. Each of the new slimeballs - um, I mean potential leaders - are working to be ever more despicable than the others so that they can stand alone in the primaries. All along the way, they have (collectively) become more and more beholden to international pariahs such as Putin, Xi, and that worm in Best Korea.

    Sorry - not sorry - to be so blunt in my comments, but today's GQP is a totally disfunctional party that started rotting after Eisenhower (remember Nixon?) and has devolved into intellectual and ethical depths of today's headlines. Some will point out that Fox has been a factor, but I believe Fox players are only grease on the original skid-path estabished by the Reagan-Gingrich cabal. I can only hope we are fast approaching a Joseph Welch moment. It cannot come too soon.


  4. This may have more impact to your interests:

    https://www.dailydot.com/debug/national-butterfly-center-closed-sex-trafficking-qanon/ Butterfly sanctuary closes as QAnon believers, thinking it’s home to sex trafficking ring, plot caravan there - Butterflies are groundzero in the war between good and evil.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
